Welcome to our service price list.
Welcome to our service price list.
Our customer service is always based on an individual and carefully prepared treatment and service plan, which is tailored according to the customer's needs. This guarantees that you will receive high-quality care and service that is just right for you.
Please note that prices may vary depending on the scope and duration of the service. You can get more detailed information about prices and our services by contacting us. Thank you for choosing us as your partner on the path to health and well-being.
Light duties
Light duties
Demanding tasks
Demanding tasks
Digital security
Digital security
Our services are based on individual treatment and service plans that are tailored for each customer. The minimum time for the service is 2 hours, and possible travel costs are charged at €0.66/km. Please note that we do not charge travel expenses for trips of less than 15 kilometers. Our service area covers Tampere and nearby municipalities, such as Akaa, Kangasala and Ylöjärvi. We strive to offer our customers first-class and customer-oriented service.
P. 050 547 2782
Y-tunnus: 3331277-2
MoniHoiva 2023 - Assistant services - Personal assistant